DISC is a well-known assessment that measures the behavior styles of a person. It is not a personality test; rather, it focuses on the behavior patterns and “measures the intensity of characteristics.”
Academic and Career Orientation Scale | Find the right fields for you
How much effort did you make to make a specialty or a job suitable for you, but failed?
In our society, we face many students and employees who delude themselves that life will go ahead and they will be satisfied with any specialty or job because of their temptation with salary, social prominence, or customs and traditions that force them to choose that and many endless reasons.
Do you carry suffering within you | The effect of negative people on your life
In this article, I will talk about those who live suffering and feed on it every day.. they are confused about their affairs, and they spend a lot of time finding a way to get out of it with ease.
10 Reasons for Taking Coaching Sessions for Individuals
Many may not know when to go to a coach and what are the most important reasons that necessitate seeking help from the right coach. In this article, we will talk about the most important reasons for taking coaching sessions.
My experience with coaching
I bring to you my experience with coaching and its positive impact on me, in addition to the skills I acquired through it. I wish you enjoy this experience I am sharing with you and get the most benefit out of it.