Platform policies
- Coaching Sessions Payment Policies:
- Coaches Agreement:
- Coaching Agreement Between the Beneficiary and the Coach:
- coursess policy
Online platform usage agreement:
We thank you for contacting us and choosing Octarium Center, and we assure you that we are keen that you will have a unique and special experience with us.
For our keenness to provide you with a better service, we are pleased to inform you of the necessary procedures for booking coaching sessions:
- The date of the session is to be confirmed online after sending a copy of the payment receipt of the session’s specified amount.
- In case of wish to cancel the session, it must be at least 24 hours before the session appointment, and the amount paid shall be refunded within a period of no less than 14 days.
- In the event of a delay in attending the session or absence without notice of the postponement, the amount of the session shall not be refunded.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of the information on the platform through which the service/session is delivered.
- Committing to maintaining confidential all information related to the account, including the username and password, and the beneficiary shall be held responsible for everything that is done using his account information.
- Not to hand over the user's name or password to any party or individual, nor to benefit from the service by any person other than the account owner only.
- Not to publish the session link to any party who is not authorized to access, nor send suspicious links through the written conversation, nor send any files through the written conversation.
- Octarium is not responsible for any amount not received through Octarium.
- Not to record the screen nor sound, and nor capture screen pictures during the session.

This agreement is acknowledged and agreed upon with mutual consent between the two parties:
The First Party: Octarium for Consulting
Commercial Registration No. 4030284750, issued by the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Investment in Jeddah;
Address: 3887 Prince Saud Al Faisal Street, Ar Rawdah, Jeddah 23432 7424, Saudi Arabia.
The Second Party: Coach
As the first party, Octarium for Consulting, provides logistical services embodied in communicating with clients, booking consulting sessions, and representing the coach in the International Coaching Federation, beside other services, and as the second party wishes to cooperate with the first party and obtain these services, the following have been acknowledged and agreed upon:
- The agreement shall automatically be renewed upon its expiration with the same terms, conditions, and features, unless one of the two parties notifies the other party in writing that he does not wish to renew it or that he wishes to amend it.
- The two parties agreed that the sessions will be presented online via ZOOM meetings software or through face-to-face, as per the availability of the service at the concerned time.
- The two parties agreed that the financial fee to be paid by the second party to the first party for the services provided by the first party shall be 25% of the amount of the session, and not exceeding 100 SAR as a maximum.
- Each service that is provided will include value-added tax, and the approval of the beneficiary and coach to hold the session will be deemed a consent to deduct it from the amount specified for the session.
- Marketing and obtaining clients shall be the responsibility of the second party, and the first party is not obligated to secure the provision of beneficiaries for the second party and not included in the first party’s responsibilities.
- The second party may provide his services through the platform of the first party, provided that programming services and payment options are provided by the first party.
- The second party shall be obligated to keep confidential the information of the first party and those of the beneficiary as well as the platform through which the service/session is delivered.
- The second party shall be obligated to safeguard the confidentiality of all his information and his account, including his user name and password, and that he shall be responsible for everything that is done using his information and account.
- The second party is not entitled to hand over his user's name or password to any party or individual, nor to provide the service through any person other than the account owner only.
- The second party shall not publish the session link to any party who is not authorized to access nor send suspicious links through the beneficiary's written conversation, nor send any files through the written conversation.
- The second party is not entitled to communicate with the beneficiary in any way other than that specified for the service, nor to organize work with him directly or without the knowledge of the first party.
- The second party is not entitled to collect any amounts from the beneficiary nor request any unpaid amounts through Octarium, the first party.
- The second party shall be bound by the dates of the specified sessions and shall not be entitled to change them without the approval of the first party.
- The second party shall not use any programs to record the screen or capture the image and sound during the session with the beneficiary, except with the consent of the first party and the beneficiary.

Coaching Agreement Between the Beneficiary and the Coach:
Pursuant to my request for coaching service, I acknowledge that I am fully aware of the following terms:
- I shall be fully responsible for my physical and mental actions during the sessions, including my choices and decisions regarding what I spoke about in the sessions, and I understand that I can stop the sessions at any time.
- I have been informed that coaching is a professional relationship between a client and a coach to facilitate the creation and development of personal, professional, and business goals, and strategic plans to achieve those goals.
- I have been informed that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my life, including occupational areas, finance, health, relationships, education, and entertainment, and accordingly, I acknowledge that my talk is about how to deal with these issues, and that I share information in those areas with the coach for this purpose, and I acknowledge that applying my choices is part of my responsibility.
- I have been informed that coaching is not intended to diagnose or treat mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association, and that coaching is not a substitute for consulting, psychotherapy, mental health care, or drug addiction treatment, and that I shall not consider it a substitute in any way for diagnosis and treatment.
- I promise Octarium, in case I am currently undergoing any treatment or otherwise under mental health care, to consult my doctor regarding the feasibility of working with the coach and that this doctor is aware of my decision to proceed with the coaching sessions.
- I understand that the information will be confidential unless the information violates the country's security legal regulations. The coach shall be committed to maintaining the privacy of the client as per the ethical standards of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- I have been informed that coaching is not a substitute for professional advice from a legal, medical, financial, commercial, religious, or other qualified person. I understand that all decisions in these areas can have significant consequences, and I acknowledge that my decisions and actions are my own responsibility.
- I promise to abide by the time specified for all appointments. In the event that I will be late for the session or wishing to cancel the session, I will inform the coach in a period of no less than 24 hours before the session time and arrange an appointment at another time.
- I agree to abide by the specified time for the sessions that I agreed upon with the coach, and accordingly, and I shall not be entitled to claim the amount of the sessions I paid for which I did not commit to attend.
- I agree to share my information (name – phone number - email) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), upon the request of the ICF organization, and to attach the information so that the coach will obtain accreditation from the ICF. No coach shall be entitled the right to share the client’s information with any other party. And we assure the confidentiality and full privacy of the sessions and their content.
I have read and agreed to this agreement’s articles.