What is coaching? How do you become a certified coach? What are the approved coaching certificates?

Recently, many people are asking questions about coaching: What is coaching? Why is it becoming a trend? Is it for individuals or institutions? What are the certified organizations that provide coaching training? How can I become a certified coach?
Why is Coaching Important?

Recently, many people are asking questions about coaching: What is coaching? Why is it becoming a trend? Is it for individuals or institutions? What are the certified organizations that provide coaching training? How can I become a certified coach?

Why is Coaching Important?

Both individuals and institutions are regularly confronted with a big challenge that is taking the right decision. Taking the right decision is especially challenging in this period of time due to the massive information available and the unlimited choices available. Thus, choosing the right information at the right time in the right way is an uneasy process; and, this is when a coach is most useful.

A coach enables you to unlock your creative and deep thinking to reach an effective decision. This decision is derived from YOU.

What is Coaching?

ICF defines coaching “as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment.”

Coaching is done through a series of sessions in which the coach uses tools and techniques that raise awareness, increase motivation, and achieve goals.

The coaching sessions depend heavily on deep questions and active listening in a safe environment in which there is no judgment or direction on what to think, say, or feel; and, this is one of the main reasons that coaching leads to exceptional and long term results.

What is The Role of The Coach?

Coaching is based on the idea that each person is the greatest expert of his/her life. Each person contains all the answers, tools, and creativity within and all that is required is a Coach to facilitate the process of raising awareness and understanding.

The coach enables the client to identify the aspired goals, how to achieve them, and ways to improve. This is done through active listening and deep questions that lead the client to determine the effective steps to achieve the desired outcomes. The coach provides the support required for the client to build a practical action plan that contains the steps required to transfer dreams into reality.

With this, the client is inspired to enhance his/her future in both professional and personal life. In addition, the client improves the leadership skills and unbound the power within.

Types of Coaching:

There are two main types of coaching:

  1. Life coaching focuses on personal aspects such as family relationship, education, career, or health related matters
  2. Business coaching works with business owners to build an effective team, improve performance, and achieve company or project goals.

Related: Internal and External Coaching

What Happens During a Coaching Session?

The coach starts the session by building a rapport with the client and giving a brief introduction about coaching and what is expected throughout the session. Then, the coach starts asking questions to determine the client goals, the necessary steps to achieve, and the challenges to overcome.

In many cases, the client feels confused and puzzled on where and how to start. Not to worry! The certified coach is skilled in asking the right questions that reveal the answers within. The deep conversation with the coach in all that is related to the goal will facilitate the process, as if your goal is a puzzle and your answers it the guidelines no how to sovle it.

How Many Coaching Sessions Do I Need?

It is advisable that the client attends several coaching sessions in order for the coach to provide the support needed to achieve the desired outcome. This will increase the client’s level of motivation and commitment to take the required actions compared to if you were alone in the process. Attending a number of sessions will allow you to discuss any challenges that you might face while trying to achieve the goal and to identify the available resources to overcome.

How Do I Become a Certified Coach?

You should start by searching for a certified training center in your city/area. A certified training center means that it abides by the rules and regulations of the international organizations for coaching. This is to ensure that you are trained by a certified expert who is recognized internationally in order for you to be a certified coach.

It is important to note that many people attend expensive training programs in coaching and were surprised afterwards that the training center is not certified. The received certification from such training programs is not recognized or accepted internationally.

How Can I Find a Certified Training Center in Coaching?

You can start by searching under organizations such as Associations for Coaching and Intentional Coach Federation (ICF) to locate the certified training centers and the certified coaches.

You may use the below links to assist you:

Association for Coaching


And we are honored to inform you that Octarium is certified from both organizations

Why Octarium?

Octarium is the first Saudi specialized center to be officially accredited by the largest international organizations to provide coaching services. Our team contains exceptional coaches who are professionals in providing coaching services to individuals and businesses. We facilitate change in society.

Accreditations from:

       International Coach Federation

       Impact Coaching Academy

       Association for Coaching

Finally, remember these two quotes from the most famous people:

Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft Company) said: “Everyone needs a coach”

Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google Company) said: “Every famous athlete, every famous performer, has somebody who’s a coach to give them perspective”