Internal and External Coaching
Coaching is a high-quality, high - impact business support process, and the statistics clearly show the high-quality return of this practice, and the question is, who's going to do this?

Internal and External Coaching

Coaching is a high-quality, high - impact business support process, and the statistics clearly show the high-quality return of this practice, and the question we're asking here is, who's going to do this?

The answer to this question is that this can be done in one of two ways:

1. Bringing in Kutch from abroad and contracting him to carry out coaching sessions with those involved within the Organization

2. Developing the Organization's coaching skills, especially those dealing directly with staff

And here's another more important question, which is what benefits the Organization more, the Outside Coach or the Inside Coach?

In fact, both things are useful and useful. They also have their own challenges and difficulties, for a number of considerations relating to the policy of the Organization, time and costs, as well as the more important aspect of the development of the Task Force.

Outside coach:
He may be more highly trained than your managers in the Organization, and he spent a great deal of time doing this with different people from different walks and doing work that might be similar to yours and often different from yours. In addition, if he's a specialist, the outside coach provides excellent support in terms of the breadth of the experience he's seen and dealt with because of his dealings with different organizations, which provides the strength and quality of his coach building service. Coach is a marketing specialist, and he practiced this kind of Coaching with a group of organizations, which gave him additional experience in his Coaching  skills.

Studies also show that staff tend to discuss sensitive issues by working more freely with people outside the Organization. The presence of Coach outside the Organization adds a sense of security to staff speaking about their problems with their manager, for example, while they may not find this opportunity when Coach is a member of the Organization and Coach is their immediate manager, with whom they face the problem.